Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rolling Over

Taber now rolls all over the house to get where he wants to go. He is my little rolly polly!!! He is also pushing up on his legs trying to crawl already. If he could just figure out how to get his arms to work with his legs. He is growing up so fast!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Visit with the Neals

Well we finally got to go see the Neal's amd introduce Taber to them. We were so excited to spend some time together and catch up. It was really hard to leave but we will see them soon. We miss you guys!!!!!

Em giving Taber hugs

4 months

All is well in the Shelton house and I am going to start trying to be better at posting blogs to keep everyone updated. Last week I took Taber to get his 4 month check up and shots. Boy do I hate those shots. He handled like a champ and I think I cried harder than he did. He is now 12lb 15oz and 26in long. He is going to be tall and skinny!