Tuesday, August 17, 2010

6 Months Old

Well on August 3rd Taber was officially 6 months old! Time seems to be flying by and I wish it would slow down. Taber seems to be growing up so fast these days. Here is what is going on in the world of Taber...

~ he had his 6 month check up and was 15lbs 8 oz and 27in long

~he is crawling! Yes, I said crawling. He had been "army" crawling for about 3 weeks and then 2 weeks ago he decided that he was going to crawl like a big boy. His Dr. said that he is the youngest baby she has ever seen crawl. And boy is he quick. We have begun the process of baby proofing the house..

~ which leads to the fact that he is pulling himself UP and standing on everything! He hates to be sitting down now. He either has to be exploring the house or standing up. This has made dressing and changing him a real challenge.

~ he has started taking a bath in the big bath tub and loves it because he has all kinds of toys to play with. this makes going to the pool fun except the first time he was like, why am I wearing all these clothes in the pool mom :)

He is just growing up so fast and is really becoming a big boy. He is so much fun to play with and chase around. The fun has just begun!!! I will post pictures later. Hope everyone is doing well!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Visit to th farm...

So we took Taber to the farm to feed the cows and he loved it. He just wanted to touch them and was so excited! There was one momma cow that got a little to close to Taber and John and I got very nervous. I thought we were going to have steak for dinner :)

Sorry that the video is a little shaky. I was really nervous. Dont worry you can laugh at me, I still laugh at me too :) (I just noticed that the video didnt load. I will try to reload it tonight)

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Karen and Danielle's Graduation

Taber and I got to go see my cousins Dani and Karen graduate back in May and had a great time. It was also such a great day because Taber got to meet all of my family. CONGRATS Dani and Karen, we love you and are so proud of you!!!

Dani and Karen

Taber & my Nanny

Taber and Aunt Jackie

Taber & my cousin Mikey

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Rice Cereal and Baby Food

We started rice cereal about a month ago and it was such a fun experience. Taber didnt know what to think at first and wore most of it. But it didnt take him but a day or two to catch on and then he was loving it. Then we moved on to peas and then to sweet potatoes. I thought that he would be a messy eater but he doesnt waste a drop! Such a big boy!!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Sarah and Eric's Wedding

Taber took his first long road trip to see Sarah get married. We drove all the over to Baton Rouge. He did so great!!! I couldnt believe that he slept most of the way. Thank you Nana K for riding with us since John was offshore.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Rolling Over

Taber now rolls all over the house to get where he wants to go. He is my little rolly polly!!! He is also pushing up on his legs trying to crawl already. If he could just figure out how to get his arms to work with his legs. He is growing up so fast!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Visit with the Neals

Well we finally got to go see the Neal's amd introduce Taber to them. We were so excited to spend some time together and catch up. It was really hard to leave but we will see them soon. We miss you guys!!!!!

Em giving Taber hugs

4 months

All is well in the Shelton house and I am going to start trying to be better at posting blogs to keep everyone updated. Last week I took Taber to get his 4 month check up and shots. Boy do I hate those shots. He handled like a champ and I think I cried harder than he did. He is now 12lb 15oz and 26in long. He is going to be tall and skinny!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Newborn Pics

When Taber was 2 weeks old we went and had some pictures taken. Here are a few...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

He has arrived...

I just wanted to let everyone know that out little bundle of joy has arrived. Taber Blaine Shelton arrived Feb 3, 2010 at 9:44am. He was 7lbs 3oz and 21in long. Taber, mom and dad are all doing well and adjusting to their new roles. I will get some pictures uploaded and show him off to the world. We hope everyone is doing well!!